The Arts-based sense-making Research was born in 2020 to hold a space to harvest creative resonance/echos of the Gaia Journey. The Gaia Journey which began on March 27th, 2020, had the acronym Global Activation of Intention and Action and came as a global response to COVID-19, quarantines, and lockdowns worldwide.
In our hub meetings we meet weekly and via Social Presencing Theatre-inspired practices generative scribing, and expressive arts we co-created a "creative and embodied" harvest and aesthetic experiences generating digital artifacts of collective sense-making, here are some of the harvest on slides and in a short video below.
In its second year the hub, like Gaia's journey, moved to monthly and bi-monthly sessions, and eventually faded into stillness.
This year as I rejoined the U.lab and wanted to open a conversation around re-connective leadership and social artsI looked up the ARTS BASED SENSE-MAKING AND RESEARCH HUB on the U-school platform and saw it already has many members and thought it might make more sense to try and reactivate it. So I launched a call to explore and co-sense a re-activation of the hub today at 2 pm (Italian time)
For more info write to me at:
And join the hub on the U-school at: